Wystawy indywidualne:
1997 Gallery CONTES D’ORIENT LTD, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong, China.
2001 STATEMENT Gallery, Athens.
Wybrane wystawy zbiorowe:
1995 “CHEAP ART 1995”, Athens.
1997 “CHEAP ART 1997”, Athens.
1997 “CHEAP ART 1997”, EPIKENTRO Gallery, Athens.
1998 “SUMMER 1998”, Athens.
1998 “CHEAP ART 1998”, MYLOS Gallery, Thessalonica.
1999 “CHEAP ART 1999”, Athens.
2000 “The artworks the METRO intends to buy”, CHEAP ART Gallery, Athens.
2000 “Printmaking 1997 – 2000”, The Printmaking Center, Municipality of Neapolis, Thessalonica.
2002 “OPEN ART”, 8 Piraeus Street, Hillside Press, Athens.
2002 “Review – Preview”, STATEMENT Gallery, Old Epidavros.
2002 ART SPACE Gallery, Santorini.
2004 “Personal Space”, Manifactura Gallery, Athens.
2004 “CHEAP ART 10 years”, CHEAP ART Gallery, Athens.
2004 “30 Days”, Manifactura Gallery, Athens.
2005 “Happy Days 2”, Manifactura Gallery, Athens.
2006 “Art on the first page 2”, ATHENS VOICE. Benaki Museum,
Piraeus Street, Athens.
2007 Babel Gallery, Athens.
2007 ARTmART/cheapart Vienna 2007. Kuenstlerhaus, Vienna. Organization and coordination of the exhibition, also exhibiting 20 monotypes.
2008 Labyrinths, Beijing, China