Wiesław Mariusz ZIELIŃSKI (ur. 1935)

No. 25a from the Intimate Landscapes series

gelatin silver print, 34.7 × 44.2 cm,
dated, titled, described and artist’s stamp on the reverse

Three distinct series can be distinguished within the Intimate Landscapes (1972) portfolio of works: fragmentary female nudes treated as a landscape, unique symmetrical photomontages, i.e. sets of nudes processed in a darkroom and reduced to puzzling, compact graphic forms, and non-banal nudes set against landscapes. The featured photograph represents the latter category. The series premiered in 1972 during an exhibition which was staged amidst special decorations (cloths, plants, special lighting) and which featured a 60-minute musical loop. The exhibition had very good reviews in journals devoted to photography.
Exhibitions: Intimate Landscapes, Poland, Denmark, France, Holland, Belgium, Sweden (1972-1977); Intimate Landscapes 1972, Camera di Foto Gallery, Warsaw (2011).

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