- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
- To this lot we apply 'artist's resale right' ('droit de suite') fee. Royalties are calculated using a sliding scale of percentages of the hammer price.

Joanna ZASTRÓŻNA (ur. 1972)

From the series 'MMK', 2010

gelatin silver print on photographic paper, ed. 2/5, 60.8 x 50.6 cm
described on the reverse: '2/5 naklad | Joanna Zastrozna | MMK 2010 | naswiet. negat 2010 | odbitka 2010'

- MMK, Centrum Kultury Zamek, PF Gallery, Poznan, 2013
- MMK, Panstwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, 2011
- MMK, CSW Ujazdowski Castel, Warsaw, 2010

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- In addition to the hammer price, the successful bidder agrees to pay us a buyer's premium on the hammer price of each lot sold. On all lots we charge 18 % of the hammer price.
- To this lot we apply 'artist's resale right' ('droit de suite') fee. Royalties are calculated using a sliding scale of percentages of the hammer price.